Product Name: Concentrated Fayuan Hair Spray
Main Ingredients Polygonum multiflorum, ginseng, astragalus, sophora flavescens, angelica root, saposhnikovia, ginger, licorice
Content of alkaloids
Dosage spray
Scope of use: Inhibit scalp infection, hair loss, hair breakage, alopecia areata, etc. caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and fungi.
Usage: Directly spray onto the infected area
Precautions: Use only. Do not take orally
Use with caution if you are allergic to this product or have damaged skin
May cause irritation or photosensitivity reaction
Do not use when the properties of the product change
Keep this product out of reach of children Places of contact
This product cannot replace medicine
Store in a closed, cool, dry and dark place.
Supply of hair care spray